Report an incident
Report a plant protection product incident.
Enquiries from journalists and the media
Tel: 0151 922 1221
Email: [email protected]
Enquiries from the general public
Enquiries from the general public in relation to plant protection products (PPP) and detergents are handled by the Defra Helpline.
Defra contact details (GOV.UK website)
Enquiries from applicants or industry
For general enquiries about plant protection products and detergents.
Email: [email protected]
Write to:
CRD Information Management
Health and Safety Executive
Chemicals Regulation Division
Room 1A
Mallard House
Kings Pool
3 Peasholme Green
Pesticide product applications, notifications and additional submissions
Email: [email protected]
Write to:
Applications Sift
Health and Safety Executive
Chemicals Regulation Division
Room 1A Mallard House
Kings Pool
3 Peasholme Green
You should be aware that any electronic communications with HSE may be monitored, recorded and retained for lawful purposes.
Grower, small business and biopesticide champions
Contact points for growers and their organisations, authorisation holders and small businesses who would like help and advice on regulations or applications.
Find out more and contact a grower, small business or biopesticide champion.