This page gives details of Enforcement Notices issued under Part III, Section 19(5) or 19(6) of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
CRD has a responsibility to provide support and advice to ensure compliance of all those involved in the sale, supply, marketing and use of pesticides. Sometimes it is necessary to enforce those controls to ensure compliance with the law. A variety of enforcement actions may be taken, one of which is the issue of Enforcement Notices under Section 19 of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985.
Enforcement Notices can be used in a variety of situations, for example to ensure a recipient discontinues a particular activity or, requiring the recipient to remedy a particular situation. Notices can be issued to companies or individuals. We may prosecute recipients when a Notice has not been complied with, if the offence continues or for other offences. An Enforcement Notice is issued without prejudice to any action that may be taken by another enforcement authority.
To comply with the requirements of the Environment and Safety Information Act 1988 when an Enforcement Notice is issued an entry is recorded in a Public Register which is available for public inspection. This Register has been held in paper form at our office in York. However it is our intention that all register entries will be published on our website. Paper records will no longer be kept. Public Register entries for 2012-2014 are published below.
How the register operates
The Environment and Safety Information Act 1988 sets out certain requirements.
When an Enforcement Notice is served, a copy of the Public Register entry will also be sent to the recipient. There is no appeal against the issue of the Enforcement Notice but an appeal may be made against the wording of the Register entry if that wording discloses information about a trade secret or secret manufacturing process. Such an appeal must be in writing within 14 days of the service of that Notice.
Irrespective of any appeal being made we are required under the Act to publish the Register entry within 14 calendar days following the day on which the notice is served.
Should an Enforcement Notice be amended or withdrawn for any reason the Register entry related to it will be deleted within 7 calendar days of a new Enforcement Notice being issued or the original Notice being withdrawn.
When an Enforcement Notice has been complied with, a note to that effect will be added to the register within 7 calendar days of CRD being so satisfied.
Entries will be kept for no longer than 5 years.
All entries will be indexed (see below). If an entry has been amended or withdrawn the index number will be annotated and the register entry deleted.
No charge will be made for downloading copies of the register from the website.