Case studies

Shared experiences

Examples of successful worker involvement

These case studies show how organisations have successfully involved their workforce in managing health and safety. They demonstrate that businesses with good worker involvement achieve better performance in health and safety, which in turn increases productivity and reduces costs.

Examples of worker involvement contributing to the business benefits of effective health and safety

More case studies published by the Health and Safety Commission show how worker involvement has contributed to improvements in health and safety and benefited business.

Worker Engagement initiative in construction: case studies

Working with Trade Unions

Significant reductions in workplace accidents were realised when HSE, employers' federations and trade unions developed a common approach. For example:

  • Over a ten-year period in the food industry, sectors cut accidents by 25% (dairies) and 36% (bread bakeries), with four other sectors returning similar reductions.
  • Major and fatal injuries in the paper industry were cut by 25% in three years following a joint initiative.

Behind all these success stories are joint initiatives between managers and trade unions which helped make major improvements in health and safety standards.

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