Grain, flour milling and animal feeds

Main causes of injury

  • Manual handling and lifting - especially sacks
  • Falls from height - off ladders, stairs and vehicles
  • Slips and trips - more prominent than usual due to obstructions and uneven floors
  • Exposure to harmful substances, eg chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sulphur dioxide
  • Machinery - screw conveyors, rotary valves, roller mills, mixers (mostly during maintenance, cleaning, refilling etc)
  • Entry into silos - risk from engulfment, lack of respirable atmosphere, mechanical hazards (eg sweep augers)
  • Transport - including lift trucks and trailers when tipping

Main occupational ill health risks

  • Musculoskeletal injury from manual handling, eg of sacks, bags and equipment
  • Work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs), eg from repetitive packing operations
  • Occupational asthma from exposure to grain and flour dust
  • Noise induced hearing loss from noisy areas, eg mill areas, grinders, seed graders, hammer mills, bagging lines

Industry specific guidance

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Updated 2023-06-15