The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) worked in partnership with HSE to modify the wording of their 'Standard Form of Waste Management Agreement'. This is to ensure it reflects the local authority's responsibilities under the HSW Act.
Most of the amendments relate to an expansion and clarification of Sections 11.1.2(b) and Section 11.1.3, emphasising that the authority retains responsibility for ensuring, through effective monitoring and audit, that the contract performs as specified and in line with current best practice and industry guidance. A new Section 11.1.2 also provides greater clarity on the contractor's responsibilities. The section can be expanded by individual authorities to include any specific or additional requirements they may have.
The new wording for this section is:
11.1 Health and Safety Management
11.1.1 The Provider shall ensure that all health and safety matters concerning the Agreement are dealt in accordance with:
- the Health and Safety Policy; and
- the Health and Safety at work etc Act 1974 and all other Laws pertaining to health and safety of employees and other affected persons.
11.1.2 The Provider shall:
- conduct the Services so as to eliminate or minimise so far as is reasonably practicable any health and safety risks to members of the public, the Authority's Representatives and the Provider's Staff; and
- accept full responsibility for the day-to-day operational aspects of health and safety while performing the Services;
- inform the Authority immediately of any breaches in health and safety law and regulation;
- co-operate fully with the Authority in its monitoring of health and safety standards; and
- inform the authority immediately of any health and safety issues relating to the Authority's health and safety responsibilities;
- pertaining to the Contract.
11.1.3 The Authority and the Provider shall throughout the Term conduct regular monitoring, reviews and audits of the Health and Safety Policy and the arrangements in place for complying with the policy.
The CIWM provides many services to the waste and associated industries.
The CIWM also runs a training course specifically for local authority officers involved in the drawing up of contracts for waste services, focusing on their 'Standard Form of Waste Management Agreement'.