Topic area 5: Risk assessment and risk management
Estimated Duration: 3 Hours
- To introduce the concept of risk assessment and its role within UK Health & Safety legislation;
- To define the principal components of risk management;
- To outline advanced risk assessment methodologies for used in quantitative risk assessments.
- To outline a practical risk assessment methodology for use in everyday subjective risk assessments.
Lecture Plan
Definitions of terminology:
- Hazard - anything with the potential to cause harm
- Risks - the likelihood that a specified undesired event will occur due to the realisation of a hazard by, or during work activities or by the products and services created by work activities.
- Control Measures - any measure designed to reduce the risk of a hazard occurring.
Risk assessment in legislation:
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1992 (now 1999);
- Quarrying Regulations 1999, Health and Safety Document
Concept of risk assessment:
- Identifying hazard
- Assessing associated risks
- Controlling risks
Subjective Risk Assessment
Advanced risk assessment techniques and examples:
- Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) - used in the petrochemical and nuclear industries.
- HAZOP's - Hazard & Operability Studie
- FMEA - Failure Modes and Events Analysis
- Event/Fault Tree Analysis
Organising for risk assessment ('Risk Management')
- Developing a risk assessment strategy - undertaking a 'baseline' risk assessment
- Role and responsibilities for action - creating action plans with actions, responsible persons, expected completion dates, closing off
- Monitoring and reviewing the system. - closing the loop to ensure that risk control measures are (a) implemented and (b) effective.
Practical risk assessment (subjective risk assessment) and facilitation skills.
Practical exercises
Suggested Reading & Other Resources
- HSE - Successful Health & Safety Management HS(G)65, HSE Books, 1995
- British Standards Organisation - BS8800: Guide to Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, BSI, 1996
- HSE - Controlling the risks in the workplace IND(G)163, HSE Books, 1994
- Harms-Ringdahl L - Safety Analysis - Principals & Practices in Occupational Safety, Elsevier Applied Science, 1993
- HSC - Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 ACOP, HSE Books, 1999.
- CBI - Assessing the Risk: Implementing Health & Safety Regulations, CBI, 1993