Exporting PIC chemicals from GB: waivers
The requirement for a valid positive explicit consent response from importing country can be waived on a case by case basis for:
- Part 2 chemicals only where the importing country is member of OECD (OECD waiver), or
- Parts 2 & 3 chemicals if no response received from importing country 60 days after request for explicit consent was made by the GBDNA (Standard waiver)
Generally, to propose a waiver you require documentary evidence from an official source that your chemical is licensed, registered or authorised in the importing country. They are granted for a period of up to 12 months. The waiver proposal can be sent by email to the GB PIC DNA at [email protected]. Please include in the subject line of your email: 'GB PIC - waiver proposal - company name - chemical/mixture - importing country name - Year'. Examples of what types of evidence may be used for the granting of a waiver to the requirement for consent are as follows:
- Some form of registration certificate showing that the chemical/mixture is authorised in the importing country
- Am import licence issued for the chemical/mixture
- Statement from the importing country that the chemical is not subject to PIC (and therefore no consent is required) or that it is not subject to any restrictions and can be imported without any requirements.