Request for case studies

We would welcome LEV-related case studies for this website

Thank you for your interest in preparing a case study to go on the HSE LEV website. The people and organisations that provide case studies will all be formally acknowledged on the website.

Further information and guidance on developing case studies

LEV case studies aim

To illustrate how LEV key messages and general principles of LEV design, application, commissioning and management can be applied in the workplace, so that LEV systems are more effective, reliable and provide sustained protection.

Case study audiences

There are seven specific LEV audience groups: employers, employees, designers, suppliers, installers, commissioners and examiners.

Each case study will probably address two or three of these audience groups.

The level of detail each audience needs will vary. All audiences will probably want a general outline of how an LEV design was chosen, applied, what it cost and a brief summary of the benefits.

LEV designers may want more detail on the type, size and volumetric flow rate of an LEV hood as well as process detail.

The installer/commissioner may want details of how the system was installed and commissioned, including how the effectiveness of control was assessed.

Ideally, each case study will cover not only the general, descriptive material (for all audiences) but will include details for specific audiences.

Guidance on developing LEV case studies

The range of potential LEV case study topics is wide.

You may have a short and sweet design point to share, a successful application of a particular hood type, or experiences of LEV management. If it is a good illustration of a principle or key message we're interested.

Case study checklist

Don't be put off if your potential case study doesn't tick all the boxes.

  • Does your work illustrate an LEV general principle (design, application, commissioning, management and examination) or key message?
  • If so which ones?
  • Which audiences are likely to find your case study of use?
  • Have you got permission to use the case study material?

Do you have, or can you obtain, information on:

  • which process(es) and substance(s) were controlled?
  • what was the control problem (including measurements and/or qualitative assessment)?
  • what was done and who did it?
  • what level of detail can be supplied (eg basic relevant to a lay-audience or, for instance, detailed and of use to a designer)?
  • why the LEV-related work was done a certain way (eg the role of process and working method constraints)?
  • what happened as a result (eg more effective, reliable and/or efficient control with some indication of the degree of control effectiveness)?
  • the costs of the changes (approximately)?
  • the benefits (eg exposure reduction, production improvements, direct cost savings)?
  • the specific lessons learnt and the potential wider lessons?
  • any photos or video footage?

Assistance from HSE

HSE can help you in the following ways:

  • We can assist you to get additional photo and video material.
  • We can re-work or enhance original images.
  • We can edit text and advise on contents and presentation.

In some instances, we may be able to arrange a site visit, measurements etc.

Contact details

If you think your experiences have the makings of a good case study, please email a short summary of your work to [email protected]. Thank you.

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Updated 2014-05-15