
Help us improve our statistics: HSE Statistics microsite usage survey

In 2023/24 an estimated 1.7 million workers were suffering from an illness they believed was caused or made worse by their work and 604,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury at work. [Source: Self-reports from the Labour Force Survey]. However, the risk of injury and work-related ill health varies across industry, being more likely in some industries than others.

The charts below show how the overall rates of self-reported work-related ill health and workplace injury vary between industry groups.

  • The industries for which the rate is statistically significantly higher than the average are generally not the same for work-related ill health and workplace injury.
  • While the chart shows the overall picture for each industry group, this may be masking differences at more detailed levels (for example, illness type or more detailed industry sub-groups).

Self-reported work-related ill health

Latest data shows the rates of self-reported work-related ill health in the following main industry sectors were statistically significantly higher than the average rate across all industries:

  • human health and social work activities
  • public administration and defence
  • education

No injury estimate is available for Agriculture, forestry and fishing for the period 2021/22-2023/24.

Rate of work-related Ill health by industry for people working in the last 12 months (per 100,000 workers) [Note 1], [Note 2], [Note 3]

Industry Rate of work-related ill health Lower CI Upper CI
Human health/social work (Q) 5953 5381 6524
Public admin/defence (O) 5742 4982 6502
Education (P) 4832 4224 5440
Other service activities (S) 4208 3064 5351
Admin/support services (N) 4112 3222 5001
Transportation/storage (H) 3987 3138 4836
Construction (F) 3772 3099 4445
Arts/entertainment (R) 3666 2484 4849
Water/sewerage/waste (E) # 3627 1956 5299
Professional/scientific (M) 3545 2914 4176
Manufacturing (C) 3400 2793 4007
Wholesale/retail trade (G)* 3303 2827 4007
Finance/insurance (K) 3245 2468 4021
Information/communication (J) 3185 2417 3953
Accommodation/food services (I) 3131 2380 3883
Agriculture, forestry, fishing (A) 2784 1356 4213
Real estate (L) 2642 1517 3767
All industries [See note 2] 4141 3952 4330

Data in this chart is available at LFSILLIND – Labour Force Survey, ill health by industry

Self-reported workplace injury

Latest data shows the rates of self-reported workplace non-fatal injury in the following main industry sectors were statistically significantly higher than the average rate across all industries:

  • accommodation and food services
  • construction
  • transportation/storage
  • wholesale/retail trade (including motor vehicle repair)

No injury estimate is available for Agriculture, forestry and fishing for this latest period, data for earlier periods and for the period 2019/20-2023/24 show this sector to also have a statistically significantly higher rate of self-reported workplace non-fatal injury compared to the average rate across all industries.

Rate of non-fatal workplace injuries by industry for people working in the last 12 months (per 100,000 workers) [Note 1], [Note 2], [Note 3]

Industry Rate of non-fatal workplace injuries Lower CI Upper CI
Accommodation/food services (I) 2818 2027 3609
Construction (F) 2388 1824 2952
Transportation/storage (H) 2365 1723 3007
Wholesale/retail trade (G)* 2196 1781 2612
Other service activities (S) # 2111 986 3236
Admin/support services (N) 2034 1374 2694
Manufacturing (C) 1936 1496 2375
Human health/social work (Q) 1777 1459 2094
Education (P) 1642 1270 2013
Public admin/defence (O) 1317 962 1672
Professional/scientific (M) 708 437 980
All industries [Note 2] 1668 1544 1792

Data in this chart is available at LFSINJIND – Labour Force Survey, non-fatal injury by industry

Chart Notes

  • Note 1: Industry groupings based on the section level of the 2007 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Charts display only those industries for which a reliable estimate is available.
  • Note 2: Restricted to injuries/ill health in current or most recent job.
  • Note 3: These estimates are based on results from a survey and are subject to sampling error – i.e. a range of uncertainty in the estimate arising from the sampling process. This uncertainty is displayed as a 95% confidence interval around the estimate. The assessment of whether the rate for an individual industry is statistically significantly above or below average takes into account the sampling uncertainty around each estimate.

More detailed statistics on selected industry groups

Further information can be found in the suite of health and safety statistics tables.

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Updated 2025-01-22