How we work

HSE is organised into a number of directorates of which the largest is the Field Operations Directorate (FOD). FOD is the main 'operational arm' of HSE and consists of HSE inspectors and support staff/departments.

HSE inspectors

HSE has operational inspectors who deal with industries including rubber on a day-to-day basis. Inspectors do this by a range of methods including:

  • Onsite inspections. These include safety management audits.
  • Investigation of accidents and complaints
  • Providing guidance and support at visits, by phone or at industry events
  • Enforcement where necessary

Industry sector teams

HSE has several industry sectors - construction, agriculture and food, public services (education, health etc), commercial and consumer services, transportation and utilities, and manufacturing, which includes paper related industries.

HSE's Manufacturing Sector team is made up of experienced Inspectors and support staff who work at national level with other stakeholders, including trade associations and trades unions, in the manufacturing industries.

The Sector team supports the rubber industries, and HSE Inspectors who inspect workplaces in those industries. The Sector teams responsibilities include:

  • Gathering intelligence
  • Agreeing industry standards
  • Supporting compliance activities to meet the Governments Revitalising Health and Safety targets for reducing occupational ill health and injuries
  • Monitoring the performance of the industries
  • Supporting Policy development and implementation
  • Communicating with industry sector stakeholders, including trade associations and trades unions
  • Developing guidance jointly with key stakeholders

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Updated 2023-04-26