Fire and Explosion - Resources

This page includes a list of priced publications by topic available from HSE Books, a range of free Leaflets that can be downloaded, links to HSE Research topics and links to other relevant information on fire and explosion.

HSE priced publications


Other guidance on flammable substances


Unloading petrol from road tankers. Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L133 HSE Books 2003 ISBN 0 7176 2197 9

HSE leaflets

Other HSE information

External information and publications

  • British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) - GN13 - DSEAR Risk Assessment
  • European Industrial Gases association (EIGA) SL04/10 - The safe transport, use and storage of acetylene cylinders
  • The Welding Fume Team (WFT) was established by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in 2010.  The aim was to bring together a group of partners to work together to raise awareness and to reduce respiratory ill health in welding and thermal cutting. To assist in achieving this aim, the WFT has produced an independent website called 'badairday'. The website will provide a resource, and links to further information on the respiratory health risks from exposure to welding and thermal cutting fume, and the control of exposure. It is aimed at both employers and employees who use welding in the workplace as part of their business or work.

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Updated 2023-12-07