Some waste is also dangerous for carriage and has to be classified, packed, loaded, documented and carried in the same way as any other dangerous goods.
Waste is carried under legislation enforced by the Environment Agency (in England), Natural Resources Wales (in Wales) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (in Scotland). There are special documentary requirements ("Hazardous Waste Consignment Note", and in Scotland "Special Waste Consignment Note"). The EA and NRW documents now include all the data needed under ADR. The information is not presented in the order specified by ADR but no exception need be taken to this as long as it is complete.
The SEPA document does not contain that information so the consignor will have to prepare a separate transport document. For shipments from Scotland to other parts of the UK the waste documents may contain the additional (ADR) information. If they don't, other transport documents will be needed.
None of the above affects the need to carry "instructions in writing" (emergency information).