
Reports on the following are not required under RIDDOR:

  • accidents during medical or dental treatment, or during any examination carried out or supervised by a doctor or dentist
  • accidents involving a moving vehicle on a public road (other than those associated with: loading or unloading operations; work alongside the road such as road maintenance; escapes of substances from the vehicle and accidents involving trains)
  • accidents to members of the armed forces on duty

Reports are not required under RIDDOR where this would duplicate other similar reporting requirements, including reports required under the:

  • Nuclear Installations Act 1965
  • Merchant Shipping Act 1988
  • Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017
  • Civil Aviation (Investigation of Military Air Accidents at Civil Aerodromes) Regulations 2005
  • Civil Aviation (Investigation of Air Accidents and Incidents) Regulations 1996
  • Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002

Can HSE grant further exemptions to RIDDOR?

HSE has limited power to grant exemptions to the requirements of these Regulations. We can only grant an exemption where the provisions of European legislation allow it. We also need to be satisfied that it will not affect people's health and safety negatively.

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Updated 2021-11-17