Good posture when using display screen equipment
Employers must provide health and safety training and information for display screen equipment (DSE) users. Training should include guidance on good posture when working with DSE.
This page will help employers and workers to understand what good posture looks like when using display screen equipment at home or in the workplace.
Standard workstation setup

- Top of screen level with eyes, about an arm's length away
- Relax your shoulders - try to position yourself high enough so you don't need to shrug your shoulders
- Keyboard just below elbow height
- Seat height equally supports front and back of thighs (or use cushion to raise seated position)
- Back of the seat provides good lower back support (or use cushion, to provide additional back support)
- Gap of 2-3 cm between front of seat bottom and back of knee
- Computer and screen directly in front of you on desk or other surface
- Screen and keyboard central - don't twist your back
- Mouse in line with elbow
Laptop setup
Consider these additional points when setting up your laptop for prolonged use.

- Keyboard and mouse separate from the laptop so screen can be elevated on a laptop riser or similar
- Display screen separate from the laptop