HSE Forms

Submit information to HSE

  • F10 - construction

    To help you notify HSE of a construction project

  • Explosives forms

    For making applications before working with explosives

  • Biocides

    Applications and declarations for work with biocides

  • Pesticides

    Applications and declarations for work with pesticides

  • Notifications

    Forms to submit before certain types of work begins

  • Asbestos

    Notify HSE of licensed or non-licensed notifiable work with asbestos

  • Health

    For HSE appointed doctors and approved medical examiners of divers

  • Offshore

    Complain about regulatory advice from a local authority or HSE

  • Incidents - RIDDOR

    Our range of forms to help you report incidents to HSE

  • GMO

    Providing HSE with information for certain work involving genetically modified organisms

  • Specified animal pathogens

    Applying for a new licence to work with or possess a specified animal pathogen

  • Forms A - Z

    View the full list of forms relating to topics and industries

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Updated: 2023-04-03