Charging activities
The Government decided in autumn 1998 that charges should be introduced for functions undertaken by HSE in the gas transportation, offshore and rail industries, and for the functions placed on the GB competent authority under the EU Directive for the Control of Major Accident Hazards in onshore installations.
Health and safety basics for your business
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Evaluation and review of HSE's charging schemes
- Evaluation of the impact of charging on COMAH
- Consolidated report on findings from the Deloitte & Touche reviews of the impact of charging on COMAH, offshore, railways and gas transportation
Charging guides:
- Charging for COMAH activities: a guide
- Charging for offshore activities: a guide
- Cost Recovery for Explosives
- Cost recovery for Oil, Gas and Chemical Pipeline Systems
- Cost Recovery for Onshore Oil, Gas and Geothermal Well and Borehole Operations
- Cost Recovery for Wind and Marine Energy (Renewables)
Queries and disputes:
Querying an invoice: Flowchart guide to the procedures
The charging scheme for the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 1999 was introduced from 1 April 1999 and for the gas transportation, offshore and railways charging schemes from 7 October 1999.
To assist dutyholders to understand how charges will be made, HSE has published a guide for each of the charging schemes. Dutyholders have been sent a guide for their industry. The guides are reviewed on a regular basis; the latest version will be published on this web site.
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