HSE and the CAA

Memorandum of understanding for public transport and cargo operations

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have agreed guidelines setting out their respective responsibilities for enforcing occupational health and safety in relation to public transport aircraft while on the ground and in the air.

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) was drawn up by the two organisations with the aim of avoiding duplication of effort in areas of overlapping mutual interest and to provide clarity between the separate disciplines of regulating aircraft safety and the regulation of occupational health and safety.

The Annex sets out the interfaces between HSE, the CAA Safety Regulation Group, the CAA Occupational Health and Safety Section and the CAA Aviation Health Unit. It specifically reflects the new responsibilities assigned to CAA for regulating occupational health and safety on board aircraft as set out in the Civil Aviation (Working Time) Regulations 2004.


We work closely with the CAA, Department for Transport (DfT) and the UK Space Agency (UKSA) as an executive agency of the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to help spaceflight operators keep people and places healthy and safe.


We have guidance for operators on:

A guide to Drafting a safety case and why you need one for your licence application is available from the CAA. The UK Space Agency also provides information on GOV.UK on spaceflight legislation and guidance.

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Updated 2023-07-14