Health and Safety Executive

Stone cutting machine cutting granite


Protect yourself and others against harmful natural or artificial stone dust.

Find out more - about how to protect yourself and others against harmful natural or artificial stone dust.

Industries A to Z

Guidance by industry, includes construction, health and social care, pesticides, oil and gas, agriculture

Topics A to Z

Guidance by topic, includes risk management, RIDDOR, COSHH, asbestos and display screen equipment


Information and services


    Some accidents, diseases or near misses must be reported

  • F10 notification

    Tell HSE about a large construction project before work starts

  • Apply, notify or report

    Apply for a licence, send us a form or report something in a workplace

  • Building Safety Regulator

    How building safety is regulated in England


    Identify, assess and control risks from hazardous substances

  • The law

    Health and safety at work: criminal and civil law

About HSE

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Updated: 2025-02-12