HSE's statistics ad hoc analysis research and publications
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Analysis and research
Alongside the main statistics published annually on health and safety in Great Britain, HSE also commissions and conducts a number of additional research projects to aid in the general understanding of health and safety.
For more information regarding recently completed research projects, please go to one of the following links:
- Ad hoc analysis
- Ill health - completed research
- Injuries - completed research
- Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on health and safety statistics
The current published statistics can be accessed from the appropriate place in the HSE statistics webpages. For archived copies of historical publications please go to one of the following links:
- Health and safety statistics (General)
- Psychosocial working conditions (available via the National Archives)
- Self-reported work-related illness (SWI) and workplace injuries (LFS)
- Workplace health and safety surveys (WHASS) (available via the National Archives)
- Fit3 (Fit for Work, Fit for Life, Fit for Tomorrow) Surveys (available via the National Archives)
- UK results from the second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2) (available via the National Archives)
- Detailed UK data from ESENER-2
- Brief description of ESENER-2
- ESENER-2 questionnaire (available via the National Archives)
- Detailed technical report (including survey questionnaire) on the survey development and fieldwork (available via the National Archives)
- European comparisons of data from ESENER-2