Statistical count of in-year work-related deaths where HSE is the relevant enforcing authority

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These statistics cover work-related fatal injuries that are reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) where HSE is the main enforcing authority and are updated on a quarterly basis. They do not include incidents where Local authorities or Office of Rail and Road are the relevant enforcing authority. However, these cases are included in the published annual count. (Typically, HSE is the relevant enforcing authority in over 90% of fatal injuries to workers, while for members of the public the percentage is lower at around 45%).

These statistics will not fully align with the listing of in-year work-related deaths reported to HSE as they have been subject to further validation to confirm whether the incident is reportable under RIDDOR based on current investigation findings.

The latest quarterly fatal injury figures are available to download.

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Updated 2025-01-22