HSE has an ongoing proactive inspection programme to help companies to comply with health and safety law.
In addition it works closely with industry and trade Unions to promote good health and safety management. Through PABIAC targeted initiatives aimed at reducing accident/ incident rates and improving health and safety standards in industry have been undertaken. For more information on this ongoing programme of work please look at the PABIAC pages.
Health and Safety Topics
There are a number of health and safety topics which remain a concern in paper related industries. Some of these topics were covered in a programme called Revitalising Health and Safety (RHS) that aimed to raise awareness of key health and safety topics in the workplace, to improve standards and reduce the toll of occupational health and injury in all sectors. Whilst this programme of work has now finished the information provided is still a valuable resource in helping to improve health and safety standards in industry, including paper related industries.
The topic areas covered were as follows: