This may be one or more documents. It should have an introduction to the quarry setting out the design and how it works and how the risks have been assessed. It will stipulate what the control measures are, including the management structure. Details are given in the guidance in L118, every safety committee should work through the ACOP and guidance for regulation 7 and make sure that all the necessary items are dealt with for your own safety. Look at the following sections and see if the risks have all been addressed or what improvements can be made.

Safe workplace. The quarry regulations require that the quarry is designed to minimise the risk created at the quarry to the personnel who work there and to the public who may be affected by its activities. The design will set out the face heights, position and layout of the plant and road ways, tips and lagoons, ensuring that roads are wide enough, at the right angles for mobile plant and the most suitable mobile plant is selected. It must also take into account the interface of pedestrians, road going vehicles, site vehicles and their respective sizes. Much of this information is held in the planning permission but it is not developed into the working plan. From this the hazards are assessed in the health and safety document, the risks evaluated and the control measures set out in the site rules. These will include the tips and excavation, vehicle and shot firing rules. These rules set out how the quarry is worked.

The inspection and maintenance scheme will identify all areas that will need monitoring and maintaining and should with the rules be discussed and modified at the safety meetings so that everyone knows what should be happening and ensures that it happens.