Pesticide applications made after the product is authorised: Overview

Guidance on types of pesticide applications that can be made after there is an authorised pesticide product on the market:

Change a product or authorisation

This Includes making changes to an existing authorised product such as a new use, change of name, formulation change, packaging or label change.

Making a change to a product

Provide outstanding data or extend the expiry date

You may need to submit data requested when your product was authorised or apply to extend the product expiry date if you're unable to submit the data before the deadline.

Extension of authorisation for Minor Uses

To change the authorisation of a product to cover a use in addition to those shown on the product label, you can apply for an extension of authorisation for minor use (EAMU).

More on EAMU

Emergency authorisation 

If you wish to use an authorised product because of a danger that cannot be contained by any other reasonable means, you may be able to apply for an emergency authorisation.

More about emergency authorisations

Renew product authorisation

If an active substance within your product has had its approval renewed, you will need to apply to have the product authorisation renewed within 3 months.

Active substance source change: technical equivalence

If you need to change the source of an active substance or add a new source to an existing product, you may need to apply for technical equivalence to use it in a pesticide product.

More on pesticide active substance source changes: technical equivalence

Add undersown crops to your pesticide product label

Many products do not have label recommendations for use on undersown crops such as grass or clover. Using the product on an undersown cereal crop technically breaches the conditions of authorisation.

You can apply for authorisation to add undersown crops to your product label.

More on how to add undersown crops to your pesticide product label

Aerial spraying a pesticide product

You must apply for permission to carry out aerial spraying of a pesticide product. This includes use of a drone.

More on aerial spraying permit arrangements.

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Updated 2025-01-07