Gas supply - Useful links

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  • UKOPA: United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Operators' Association
  • Oil and Gas UK
  • National Grid (previously known as Transco): operates the high pressure National Transmission System and the gas distribution systems in North West England, East of England, West Midlands and London.
  • Northern Gas Networks: operates the gas distribution system from the Scottish border to South Yorkshire.
  • Wales and West Utilities: operates the gas distribution system in Wales and South West England.
  • SGN: manages the gas distribution network across Scotland and the South of England
  • Linesearch: Provides a single point of contact for all initial enquiries relating to the apparatus owned and/or operated by a number of Pipeline Operators
  • Linewatch: promotes greater awareness of buried oil/gas pipelines and the safety precautions that are required when working near to them, therefore protecting personnel and the environment.
  • Ofgem: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, Ofgem is the economic regulator for Britain's gas and electricity markets.
  • DECC: Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • OGA: Oil and Gas Authority
  • IGEM: Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, IGEM is a chartered professional body, licensed by the Engineering Council, serving a wide range of professionals in the UK and the international gas industry through Membership, events and a comprehensive set of Technical Standards.

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